Hi, I'm Sainath Ganesh, an XR Software Engineer at Magic Leap with 4+ years of experience in developing user-centeric end-to-end applications from conception to deployment. I have worked on a wide range of fields from XR, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning. With over 15+ hackathon wins, all around the world, I love building and innovating new products with bleeding edge technologies.
Years in Tech - Thats over 3000+ days of experience
Hackathons won
Publications - Papers, Patents and Grants
Projects prototyped
Innovative and passion-driven Software Developer with 4+ years of professional experience developing user-centeric end-to-end applications from conception to deployment.
Professional Experience
XR Software Engineer
Present - 2024
Magic Leap Inc., Plantation FL
- Create and maintain XR system software using 3D Technology
- Build interfaces to communicate between services
- Optimize and manage repositories and workflows
XR Researcher
2022 - 2023
UIUC, Champaign IL
- Optimizing Data Streaming Efficiency using Foveated Rendering
- Analysing XR based applications for cognitive engagement for senior citizens
Software Engineer
2021 - 2022
Shell India Markets Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore
- Handled consolidation of financial data from various sources, data warehousing and generating reports.
- Automated various monthly consolidation and reporting tasks using Python data handling libraries such as Pandas, Numpy and Seaborn. Significantly reducing effort, saving several hours of work every month for the whole team.
Lauded by Prime Minister Narendra Modi
Toycathon 2021 - Ministry of Education, India
Aura.AI - Developed an integrated AI - VR platform that gamifies Yoga bridging the gap between modern techonology and Indian tradition.
Research Grant from Nvidia
COVID AR Hackathon 2020 - Nvidia, Indian Ministry of Commerce and Trade
Created an Augmented Reality COVID Symptom Visualizer that display the effect of Corona virus on various organs of the body, along with an X-Ray based Image classifier.
Research Work
Application of Neuroevolution for Autonomous Cars
IVCCPS’20, LNEE Springer
A genetic approach to evolving Aritifical Neural Networks for self-driving cars that can be usedas a base for deep reinforcement learning. Learn more
An alternative C++ based HPC system for Hadoop MapReduce
We explore a C++ based approach to MR and its feasibility on multiple factors like ease of use, deployment, efficiency, scalability. Learn more
SugrFree - AI based Food Recomendation Engine
Patent published system that can recognize nutritional information about foods and provide healthier alternatives with a comprehensive diet planning architecture.
Masters in Computer Science
2022 - 2023
University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign
GPA: 4.0
B.Tech, Computer Science and Engineering
2017 - 2021
Vellore Institute of Technology, Chennai
Major GPA: 3.7
University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign